This feature is available on enterprise plans
If you're looking to upload external research, you can do so by clicking the "Create Project" button on the homepage.
Next, find the "Upload" project and click "Create".
Setting up the Upload project
First, name your project and add a description.
The videos will be transcribed in English by default. If you'd like to have them transcribed in another language, choose from one of the 40+ languages that we support.
On the bottom of the page, you can drag and drop videos. We support mp4, mov and webm files.
The name of your file will be listed as the name on the Participants tab (you can rename it later). The name should be less than 30 characters.
To submit the project, click the "Submit" button. Make sure that you wait until all videos are uploaded before submitting the project.
If you need to upload additional files later, you can do so on the Participants tab of the project.
Viewing & analyzing the videos
Once the project is submitted, you can click into the project to view the video and transcript.
Click the play icon next to the participants name to open the video in a new tab.
The video will be available immediately, but please allow time for transcription processing.
You will be able to perform the following actions on uploaded videos:
Utilize video player & transcript controls
Take notes
Create clips
Build highlight reels from clips
Tag notes and clips
Analyze tags and reactions on the Tags tab
Search the transcript, notes, clips and tags made on uploaded research (Search tab)
Build reports on the Reports tab
Uploading additional research
If you'd like to upload additional videos to a project, you can do so on the Participants tab by clicking the "Upload" button and dragging files into the Upload modal.
Renaming a video
If you'd like rename a video, click into the dropdown for that video on the participants tab and select "Edit".
Clicking "Edit" will open a modal where you can rename the participant.
Deleting a video
Click into the dropdown for that video on the Participants tab and select "Delete Video".
Deleting a video will not free up storage.
Tracking storage
To track the storage used, go to the Account tab.
Click on the Storage tab.
You'll be able to see all upload projects and videos with the storage they've consumed. Clicking on the participant name will open the video in a new tab.
Storage and limits
If you would like to purchase storage to upload external research, please contact your Customer Success Manager.