What is Context?

What should I write in the Context section?

Chelsea avatar
Written by Chelsea
Updated over a week ago

Our participant apps do not record the participant's voice/screen during the context.

When you're writing tasks for participants, you may want to add study Context. The study context will set the scene for your tester.

For example, if you're running a study to test the usability of an accounting software, you can write the context:

"Imagine it's the end of a quarter and you're balancing your books."

Use context to ensure that your testers are in the correct mindset for the study.

Don't use the context to

  • Link to a website, prototype or mobile app. The context will not be recorded so you won't see what the participant is doing during the context. You should use the URL question to link to any test asset.

  • Write a task that the participant should complete later in the study. Participants may have a hard time remembering specific tasks in the context. Instead, use the Task/Question.

Our participant apps do not record the participant's voice/screen during the context.

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