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Tester FAQs

How do I get paid? What makes a good tester?

Chelsea avatar
Written by Chelsea
Updated over a week ago

Please review these FAQs before getting started

What is a tester?

Testers will give their opinion on websites, prototypes, apps, concepts and more. You’ll walk through certain scenarios like finding an item, commenting on how easy something is to use.

How do I sign up for tests?

You'll get an email when you're a fit for a study. If we need more information, we'll send you a screen survey. If your answers are a fit, you'll receive an invitation email.

What are screener questions?

Since we limit number of questions that we ask while you’re signing up, researchers may need to know a bit more about you to make sure you’re in their target demographic.

Screener questions are short surveys used to qualify you for a paid study. You will not be compensated for screener surveys.

Answer these questions truthfully to earn the full incentive. If a company reports that you did not answer the screener truthfully, you will not be compensated for the study.

What types of studies can I participate in? 

  1. Unmoderated: You’ll record your screen and audio while answering questions, without a researcher present. (10 - 15minutes)

  2. Moderated: Speak to a researcher one-on-one at a scheduled time. (30, 60 or 90 minute session)

  3. Card sort: Sort cards into groups that make sense to you

  4. Tree sort: Researchers will ask you questions about where you would find content on a website

What makes an excellent tester?

An excellent tester is someone who speaks their thoughts aloud at all times while taking the study. They do more than simply read the content of the page, they make insightful comments and talk about thinks they like / dislike. Offering suggestions for improvement is a common characteristic of excellent testers.

Do this:

  • Answer every task / question

  • Speak loudly & clearly

  • Perform the study in a quiet room without distractions

  • Take at least 10 minutes to complete the study

  • Talk about what you like, dislike or should improve

NOT this:

  • Read the content off the page

  • Say everything looks “ok” without suggestions for improvement

  • Skip questions

  • Pause the test for a long period of time

How do I get paid?

You’ll receive payment within 8 days of the study via PayPal.

How much will I get paid?

We pay:

  • $10/10 to 15 minute unmoderated session

  • $30/30 minute moderated interview

  • $60/60 minute moderated interview

  • $2 per card sort

  • $2 per tree test

What are reasons for not getting paid for my test?

Since we want to provide high quality sessions to our clients, we will refuse payment under the following circumstances.

  • You did not answer all questions (i.e. you skipped questions)

  • You did not speak your thoughts out loud for the majority of the video

  • Your audio is crackling & unclear

  • You have a lot of background noise

  • You received calls or texts during a mobile study

  • The video is under 10 minutes or you didn’t go thoroughly into each question

  • You rushed through the test

  • You misrepresented yourself during the screener survey

How much can I earn per month as a tester?

You will be matched with studies based on your demographic profile. You could receive 10 tests a day, or none for a week - it depends on the number of clients looking for someone like you!

How do I become a tester?

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