Do you have question templates?

Unmoderated question templates

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Written by Jordan
Updated over a week ago

We've compiled popular questions into templates


  • First impression test

  • Competitor analysis

  • Brand perception

  • Pricing model

  • Navigation test

  • Name test

  • Email template

  • Concept testing

  • Google search

  • Persona

  • Logo

First Impression Test Questions

When should I use this template?

First impressions are everything. Watch videos of participants interacting with your website, product or prototypes. With this first impressions test template, you’ll receive authentic reactions from your participants as they navigate the page for the first time.

How will the first impressions test template help my business? 

Make sure that participants view your brand favorably when they land on your website or product. If people’s impression of your business does not align with your objectives, you’ll be able to make strides to change. It will provide you with a valuable data point that helps you craft the future of your business.


  • At first glance, what is the purpose of this site? Take your best guess as to what you think it is.

  • What do you think you can do on this website?

  • Is there enough information on this page to understand what this website is for? If not, what should be included to make it clear? Be specific.

  • Take some time to scroll up and down the page but don’t click off of this page. What are your thoughts on the design (images, colors, styling) and layout of this page?

  • Is there anything in particular that you like about the website?

  • Is there anything in particular that you dislike about the website?

  • Is there anything you would improve about this website?

  • Based on what you think the purpose of the website is, what is the first thing that you would do next? Take that action now.

  • Did you successfully find what you were looking for? If not, what were you expecting?

  • Is this website missing anything that you would have expected to see?

Competitor Analysis Questions

When should I use the competitor analysis questions template?

Understand how your target demographic views your brand compared to your competitor’s brand. With PlaybookUX, you’ll watch videos of participants giving their opinions about both companies. Using this competitor analysis questions template will give you authentic reactions from your participants as they speak about your brand.

You can also use this template to compare two companies in your industry. For example, Basecamp can use this template to compare and Asana.

How will the competitor analysis questions template help my business?

Having people point out where your competitor is winning will allow you to adjust your website and positioning to beat them. This is especially powerful if you have people from your target demographic who are decision makers walk through your website. 


Company 1

  • How often do you use or come into contact with <Company 1>?

  • How do you use <Company 1>?

  • What do you like about <Company 1>?

  • What do you dislike about <Company 1>?

  • What would you improve about <Company 1>?

  • What is your impression of <Company 1>?

  • Do you trust <Company 1>?

  • What are three words you would use to describe <Company 1>?

  • On a scale of 1-5, with 1=Very Unlikely and 5=Very Likely, how likely are you to recommend <Company 1> to your friend?

Company 2

  • How often do you use or come into contact with <Company 2>?

  • How do you use <Company 2>?

  • What do you like about <Company 2>?

  • What do you dislike about <Company 2>?

  • What would you improve about <Company 2>?

  • What is your impression of <Company 2>?

  • Do you trust <Company 2>?

  • What are three words you would use to describe <Company 2>?

  • On a scale of 1-5, with 1=Very Unlikely and 5=Very Likely, how likely are you to recommend <Company 2> to your friend?


  • Based on your experiences with <Company 1> and <Company 2>, which company has provided you with the best experience? Elaborate on your answer.

  • What aspects, if any, does <Company 2> have that you wish <Company 1> had?

  • Which company are you more likely to use next?

Brand Perception Questions

What is the brand perception questions template?

Perception is important. There’s no denying that. With our brand perception questions, get a feel for how your target demographic views your company. PlaybookUX allows you to recruit a wide variety of people. From people who regularly use your brand to people who have simply heard of you to people who aren’t familiar. Speak to them one-on-one or via unmoderated conversations. After all is said and done, you are handed valuable video based feedback of your target audience talking about their feelings towards your brand.

Why should I ask brand perception questions?

It’s important to understand how customers view your company. If their perception doesn’t align with your value proposition, you should consider repositioning. Understand why they don’t view your company in the exact light that you want them to. These questions are designed to determine exactly what parts of your business don’t resonate with customers so you can fix them immediately. These insights will help shape future company wide initiatives since everything you do affects your brand perception. 


  • How often do you come into contact with <Company>?

  • Talk about your last experience with <Company>.

  • What made you decide to interact with, try or use <Company> for the first time?

  • If applicable, how do you use <Company>?

  • What are three words you would use to describe <Company>?

  • What do you like about <Company>?

  • What do you dislike about <Company>?

  • What would you improve about <Company>?

  • What is your impression of <Company>?

  • Do you trust <Company>?

  • On a scale of 1-5, with 1 = Very Unlikely and 5 = Very Likely, how likely are you to recommend <Company> to your friend?

Pricing Model Template

When should I use the pricing model template?

Pricing shouldn’t be a show stopper. Use this template to ask your target demographic their thoughts on your pricing model.


  • Context: <Description of what the company sells>

  • Scroll up and down the page. What are your initial thoughts on this page?

  • What do you think of the pricing page layout?

  • Are the pricing options clear?   

Tier 1

  • Now let’s take a look at <Tier Pricing Name>. In your own words, what value are you getting from this tier?

  • Which features in this tier are most important to you?

  • Which features in this tier are least important to you?

  • Do you feel that the price is accurate? If not, how much would you expect to pay?

Tier 2

  • Now let’s take a look at <Tier Pricing Name>. In your own words, what value are you getting from this tier?

  • Which features in this tier are the most important to you?

  • Which features in this tier are the least important to you?

  • Do you feel that the price is accurate? If not, how much would you expect to pay?

Tier 3

  • Now let’s take a look at <Tier Pricing Name>. In your own words, what value are you getting from this tier?

  • Which features in this tier are most important to you?

  • Which features in this tier are the least important to you?

  • Do you feel that the price is accurate? If not, how much would you expect to pay? 

Overall Questions

  • Do you need more information to make a purchasing decision? 

  • If you were to make a purchase, what plan would you select?

  • Let’s say you’re ready to purchase. What would you do next?

Website Menu Navigation Template

When should I use the website menu navigation template?

Visitors should be able to seamlessly find what they’re looking for on your website or product. Use this  website menu navigation template to diagnose findability issues. If people can’t find what they’re looking for, they won’t be able to achieve their goal. That goal may be signing up for a product, placing an order or checking out. We looked through thousands of our most popular studies to determine the best questions to ask. Make your website and product navigation experience seamless.

How will the website menu navigation questions help my business?

It will help make your product as intuitive as possible. When your product navigation is intuitive, you’ll see more conversions, lower bounce rate and enhanced customer satisfaction. You’ll also be able to save on customer support since customers will able to self serve. 


  • Find <item1>. Speak your thoughts out loud as you look. When you’ve found <item1> proceed to the next task.

  • Overall, how did you find this task? 1=Very Difficult to 5=Very Easy.

  • How would you improve the process of finding <item1>?

  • Find <item2>. Speak your thoughts out loud as you look around. When you’ve found <item2> proceed to the next task.

  • Overall, how did you find this task? 1=Very Difficult to 5=Very Easy.

  • How would you improve the process of finding <item2>?

  • Find <item3>. Speak your thoughts out loud as you look. When you’ve found <item3> proceed to the next task.

  • Overall, how did you find this task? 1=Very Difficult to 5=Very Easy.

  • How would you improve the process of finding <item3>?

  • Find <item4>. Speak your thoughts out loud as you look. When you’ve found <item4> proceed to the next task.

  • Overall, how did you find this task? 1=Very Difficult to 5=Very Easy.

  • How would you improve the process of finding <item4>?

Company Name Test Questions

When should I use a company name test?

When you’re brainstorming names for your new company or next venture, use the company name test to understand how your prospective customers feel about the names. Test one or many names at once. PlaybookUX will recruit your target demographic so you’ll be able to hear honest feedback. 

How will the company name test improve my business?

Our template is the best way to test business names. Picking a name that doesn’t resonate with your brand and value proposition will turn potential buyers away.


Name 1

  • In this study you’ll be answering questions about the name of a company. The name we’ll be focusing on is <Name 1>

  • What comes to mind when you see this name?

  • What industry do you think this company operates in?

  • What do you think this company does?

  • Does this name remind you of any existing brands?

  • Is it easy to pronounce the name?

  • What do you like about this name? Please elaborate.

  • What do you dislike about this name? Please elaborate.Name 2

  • In this study you’ll be answering questions about the name of a company. The name we’ll be focusing on is <Name 2>

  • What comes to mind when you see this name?

  • What industry do you think this company operates in?

  • What do you think this company does?

  • Does this name remind you of any existing brands?

  • Is it easy to pronounce the name?

  • What do you like about this name? Please elaborate.

  • What do you dislike about this name? Please elaborate. 

Repeat with as many company names as you’d like.


Test Email Template & Test Email Design Template

When should I use this template?

Use this test email template what your target user will interact with. Email and design testing should be an integral part of every Marketers decision making process. Test email designs with our easy to use template.

How will the test email template questions help my business? 

By understanding which emails customers will click on, you’ll be able to optimize email open rates and conversions. Serving relevant and appealing content will allow you to retain customers and convert prospects.


  • Context: In this study, we’ll show you two versions of an email.

  • <Insert email 1>

  • Without clicking, what do you think is the purpose of this email?

  • Where would you click first?

  • What do you like about this image?

  • What do you dislike about this image? 

  • How would you improve this image?

  • How do you feel about the subject line?

  • Would you open an email with that subject line?

  • <Insert email 2>

  • Without clicking, what do you think is the purpose of this email?

  • Where would you click first?

  • What do you like about this image?

  • What do you dislike about this image?

  • How would you improve this image?

  • How do you feel about the subject line?

  • Would you open an email with that subject line?

  • Which of the two emails would you rather interact with? Please explain your decision.

Concept Testing Questions

When should I use the concept testing questions template?

When you’re looking to move into a new market, or create a new feature, get feedback from your users to ensure you’re maximizing the value of your solution. Leveraging our concept testing questions will help you build a solution that resonates with your customers. 

How does the concept testing question template help my business?

By asking your target demographic about their daily pain points and frustrations, you’ll be able to craft an ideal solution. This way, your product will resonate with future customers. By speaking to people about your solution prior to development, you’ll avoid rework since you’re executing your target market’s vision. It’s the best way to validate that there’s a product market fit.



  • How do you currently solve <State Problem>?

  • What are the challenges with your approach to solving this problem?

  • How frequently do you have this problem?

  • How important is it to find a solution to this problem?

  • If someone were to solve this problem, how would that improve your life?

  • How willing are you to pay for a solution to this problem?

  • What price point would you expect for a solution to this problem?

  • If you were to design an ideal solution to this problem, even if it’s out there, please describe what that solution would look like.


  • <Describe your company’s solution or have participants navigate to a link with a description>

  • What are your initial thoughts on this solution?

  • Does the proposed solution solve your pain points and frustrations?

  • What would make you want to use this solution?

  • What would make you not want to use this solution?

  • Based on the description, do you understand what the solution is and who the solution is for?

  • What questions do you have about this solution?

  • How much would you expect to pay, if any, for this solution?

  • How frequently, if at all, would you use this solution?

  • How would you improve this solution?

  • What information would you need to know before making a purchasing decision?

Google Search Test

When should I use the Google Search Test?

2 trillion searches originate from Google each year. That’s nearly 63,000 searches per second. Understand how people search for a solution on Google. For example, imagine you’re running a rental car service, and you want to understand how people find rental cars. The Google Search Test will help you determine if your company falls short of customer expectations while searching on Google.

How will the Google Search Test optimize marketing efforts?

Common marketing wisdom is to reverse engineer the process – look at keyword difficulty and then write content from there. That’s very general and built on a lot of assumptions. However, if you recruit your target buyer criteria with PlaybookUX, you’ll be able to see exactly what they’re searching when they’re trying to find a solution like yours. Since we have a B2B verified tester panel, we allow you to recruit and target your specific buyer personas by selecting participants based on seniority, job role and industry. If that’s not specific enough, we allow you to write screener questions to narrow down behaviors further. This way, you don’t waste time, energy and money trying to rank for keywords that have a high search volume but low buyer intent.

How will the Google Search Test template help my business? 

Understanding how your target demographic interacts with the most popular search engine with give insight into their purchasing decisions. You’ll be able to adjust your inbound marketing strategy, as well as meta tags, title tags and keywords. After all, 75% of transactions are originated online so make sure your website is optimized for what your potential customers are searching.


  • Navigate to

  • How would you search for <item 1>. Perform that search now.

  • Now that the results have loaded, describe what you’re seeing. Is this what you expected?

  • Does that website fulfill your goal?

  • What is the next action you would take? Perform that action now.

  • Navigate to

  • How would you search for <item 2>. Perform that search now.

  • Now that the results have loaded, describe what you’re seeing. Is this what you expected?

  • Does that website fulfill your goal?

  • What is the next action you would take? Perform that action now.

Personas Interview Questions Templates

When should I use the persona interview questions template?

Personas are extremely important in building empathy for your target user and settling feature disputes. They’re a typical buyer that your brand serves. From these user persona interview questions, you’ll understand the attributes of your average customer. Also, you’ll be able to understand their motivations, pain points and frustrations. We suggest you run a user persona interview with 5-10 people.

How will these user persona interview questions help my business?

When you understand who your typical customer is, you can guide brand, feature and design decisions to meet their expectations. For example, if you find that your customer’s favorite brands are Slack, Intercom and Basecamp, you’ll want to pursue for a friendly vibe.


  • What 4 adjectives you would use to describe yourself? Please elaborate.

  • How do you spend a typical weekday? Walk us through what it looks like.

  • What software & tools do you use while working?

  • How many hours do you work in a typical day?

  • Which skills are required to do your job?

  • How do you manage your time?

  • What are some of your biggest work related professional challenges & frustrations?

  • What are your professional goals?

  • How you plan on achieving your goals?

  • What do you need to achieve those goals?

  • What motivates you professionally?

  • What do you do in your spare time?

  • What are your favorite brands?

  • What are your non-professional goals?

  • How you plan on achieving your goals?

  • What do you need to achieve those goals?

  • What are some of your biggest non-work related challenges & frustrations?

  • Overall what motivates you?

Logo Testing Survey Questions

When should I use the logo testing survey questions?

Before determining which logo to use, ask your target demographic. These logo testing survey questions allow you to test multiple logos to see which one makes the most sense for your company. Participants will talk about what comes to mind when viewing the logo, how visually appealing it is and they’ll suggest improvements.

How will the logo testing survey questions help my business?

Your logo is a key part of your brand. It’s how people recognize you. Make sure that your target users feel your logo signifies what your brand represents. Run this study as a survey or as an unmoderated research session. The later is more advantageous since you’ll be able to observe people speaking their thoughts out loud while viewing with your logos.


Logo A

  • Navigate to the URL that contains the image of <Logo A>

  • What comes to mind when you look at this logo?

  • What do you think this company does?

  • How visually appealing is this logo?

  • Would you change any of the colors of this logo? How do they make you feel?

  • What do you like about the logo?

  • What do you dislike about this logo?

  • Is this logo memorable?

  • Is this logo trustworthy?

Logo B

  • Navigate to the URL that contains the image of <Logo B>

  • What comes to mind when you look at this logo?

  • What do you think this company does?

  • How visually appealing is this logo?

  • Would you change any of the colors of this logo? How do they make you feel?

  • What do you like about the logo?

  • What do you dislike about this logo?

  • Is this logo memorable?

  • Is this logo trustworthy?


  • Now that you’ve seen both logos, which do you prefer? Why?

Did this answer your question?