Creating Workspaces

Can I have more than one workspace? How do I add another workspace? How do I switch workspaces?

Chelsea avatar
Written by Chelsea
Updated over a week ago

Why should I use workspaces?

Our customers use workspaces to organize projects across teams and initiatives. For example:


  • ABC Corp Research

  • ABC Corp Marketing

  • ABC Corp Product


  • Product line 1

  • Product line 2

  • Product line 3

If you're an agency or innovation team, you can use workspaces to separate client accounts.

  • Client 1

  • Client 2

  • Client 3

Viewing & switching workspaces

The dropdown next to the PlaybookUX logo lists all of your teams workspaces.

Click into the dropdown to switch workspaces.

Creating a workspace

Click into the workspace dropdown then click "Create Workspace".

You will be directed to a page that asked you to enter a workspace name.

Enter a workspace name, then click "Create". The workspace will now be visible in the Workspace dropdown.

Renaming a workspace

Rename a workspace by heading to account settings.

On the general tab, you can rename the workspace.

Other articles about workspaces

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